суббота, 13 июля 2024 г.



(From unpublished)

On one planet, as a result of a successful genetic experiment, people decided to abandon their bodies. And to ensure the immortality of the soul and mind, which they called "consciousness", without separating them.

The rationale for the experiment was that bodies age and die, and limit consciousness with their natural physical limitations. In addition, this put an end to inequality (and therefore discrimination), which had, first of all, external physical signs - height, weight, gender, skin color, etc.

This decision ensured the integrity of nature, energy reserves, and minerals.

                                                       Gustave Doré, Creation of Light

Unlike the body, consciousness did not take up space, it did not need food, clothing, housing, transportation, a workplace, wages, taxes, banks, shops, cemeteries, laws, and other attributes of human life and social order. The entire system of human life became simpler - if consciousness could be called a person. At the same time, consciousness could not become the object of hunting by wild animals, get sick, suffer from natural disasters, or be subjected to any external physical influence. People became gods, existing as described in ancient holy books: "...and the breath of God hovers over the waters."

The question of the need for religions also disappeared, since equality was unshakable - each consciousness was free to do (think) about what it wants, how it wants, and when it wants. The question of similarity "in image and spirit" also lost its relevance - since people became gods, and the need for God disappeared.

People-consciousness became gods also because they gained eternal life. Communication at the inter-consciousness level led, over time, to the creation of a collective mind - a kind of system of higher intelligence, which became the center of consciousness and a kind of governing body.

It possessed not only intellect but also served as a colossal source of energy, since according to the laws of physics (which this experiment turned upside down), the energy of the mind, deprived of the body, did not disappear, but only transformed. And the combined energy of billions of consciousnesses allowed them to create new life forms. Moreover, the essence of the creation of these forms was the diversity of life forms - flora and fauna. After all, human consciousness, even if disembodied, tended to create a variety of forms filled with content.

As a result, there were no natural disasters on this planet caused by human factors, no deaths, as well as no overpopulation - since no one was born anymore. There was no transmigration of souls either - because there was nowhere and no reason to transmigrate.

As a result of the experiment, the new life form lost the need for the instinct of self-preservation. After all, it seems absurd to encroach on a soul without a body. And what living being is capable of neutralizing or rendering harmless an invisible person? Unless this creature can read minds. By the way, it was in this way - through reading thoughts - that consciousnesses communicated and interacted.

The loss of the body made it easier for people-consciousness to travel not only on their planet but also to make interplanetary, intergalactic, and inter-universal movements. This opportunity simplified the discovery of new worlds, acquaintance, and communication with new life forms. After all, disembodied consciousnesses had long existed throughout the universe. And those who also had a physical form knew how to communicate at the inter-consciousness level.

Worlds and galaxies became global. Consciousnesses gathered impressions and experiences from interplanetary excursions and expeditions, which were entered by them into the higher intelligence.

It seemed that this form of being lasted forever, because the experience of previous generations was accumulated and passed on to people-consciousness. The cycle of the universe practically closed. It seemed that it had no beginning and no end - only information and energy circulating in a circle. It seemed that it would be so forever.

Returning to the experiment that started everything we know now, it should be noted that it was considered successful after the fact. Summarizing all the pros and cons. After all, history is written by those who remain. Survived. Continued their existence.

Like any other scientific experiment in human history, there were casualties. Initially, there was a referendum. The entire population of the planet had to decide how to live on. The bleak prospects of man-made disasters (for which humanity itself was responsible), epidemics, and pandemics pushed humanity to the idea that it was no longer possible to rape and change Mother Nature. And if it was impossible to change their approach to it, humanity had to change its nature - themselves.

No less than humanity itself wanted to solve its problems once and for all, a huge transnational corporation wanted this, which controlled not only all the resources of the planet but also whose employees were all its inhabitants, in fact, it controlled the planet itself through puppet governments that lobbied exclusively for the interests of the corporation.

The head of the corporation could not bear to watch his only heir die from an incurable disease. This is what prompted him to conduct an experiment that could save and prolong his son's life.

It is worth noting that at that time, science had already learned to "transfer" souls into other bodies. To change the shells of consciousness. But sooner or later, bodies died, and this did not inspire confidence in scientists. Since people loved not only their own shell but also their appearance, it was difficult for them to accept that their loved ones and relatives, friends and neighbors often changed their appearance. Moreover, beyond recognition. The only logical solution for scientists was to eliminate the shell. The human body. Not everyone liked this idea.

But time was running out for the aging father of the dying son. And the man who practically ruled the planet decided to give its inhabitants - the employees of his corporation - a choice. He knew that even if people refused their usual form of life, reproduction, and simply making love, he would deprive them of all this. But he gave them a chance - to try to come to their predetermined fate on their own. Although not entirely.

In the shortest possible time, advertising campaigns were launched all over the planet, which in all languages, in all cultural codes, explained and convinced that there could be no better form of existence than a disembodied consciousness. At some point, public opinion polls, manipulated by the PR specialists and advertisers of the planet's owner, began to confidently guarantee victorious reports. Both the manipulated and the manipulators themselves began to believe that life without a body was the best form of existence.

Meanwhile, a protest movement emerged on the planet. People preferred to die rather than live forever without bodies. And this movement was growing every day.

December 12, 2020 - original (Russian) version


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