суббота, 5 октября 2024 г.

Parallel Worlds Within Us

When someone expresses an idea, we disagree with, we often say, "He/She lives in a parallel universe!" or "In some world of their own!". We imply that this world is different from ours, and the speaker is a bit out of touch with reality. We believe that only in our world is everything "normal," and in their reality, such a thing cannot be.

In fact, the speaker may be right. Perhaps, in their world, the football club you support really did lose. This happens because you do not accept the objective reality – your club lost the match.

But it's not just other people who exist in realities parallel to yours. Often, we ourselves are in several such realities simultaneously. For example, you do not acknowledge the defeat of your favorite team, but you vote for a politician who does not represent your interests.

There can be many such contradictory realities within one person. This phenomenon is deeper than simply disagreeing with the outcome of a match or making the wrong choice in an election. It affects all areas of our lives: relationships, work, self-esteem, and even the perception of the world.

We create these parallel realities to protect ourselves from unpleasant truths, to maintain the illusion of control, or simply to feel better. We can convince ourselves of the ideality of a partner, despite problems in the relationship, or that work brings satisfaction, even though we are unhappy.

Sometimes these realities are useful. They help to overcome difficulties, maintain hope and motivation. But if we immerse ourselves in them too much, they distort our perception and prevent us from making the right decisions.

Awareness of the existence of these worlds within us is the first step towards a conscious and authentic life. It means taking an honest look at ourselves and our lives, even if it hurts. It means being open to new ideas, even if they contradict our beliefs.

This is not an easy path, but the reward for it is a life based on reality, not illusions. A life in which we make conscious decisions, build healthy relationships, and achieve our true goals.

We all live in our own worlds, created from our beliefs, experiences, and perceptions. The more we are aware of these worlds and their influence, the more freedom we have to choose which world we want to live in.

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