пятница, 27 сентября 2024 г.

The Time-Traveling Shower

An old house held many secrets, but the most astonishing was the shower stall on the second floor. Seemingly ordinary, it possessed an incredible ability - to travel through time.

Every evening, before bed, the house's resident would step into the shower. The warm water washed away not only dirt and fatigue, but the entire day that had passed. With the last drops cascading down their body, they felt time shift around them, propelling them into the future.

It was their secret journey, their personal time machine. They could choose how far to leap - a few hours to prepare for an important event, or entire days to avoid unpleasantness.

But one evening, they decided to skip their nightly shower. Engrossed in work, they forgot about their unusual ability. The next morning, they awoke to the same day as yesterday. The clock displayed the same time, the news repeated itself, and people behaved as if nothing had changed.

They realized they were stuck in time. Attempts to leave the house were futile; the door wouldn't open. The phone was dead, the windows sealed shut. They were a prisoner of their own past, trapped in a day that looped endlessly.

In desperation, they rushed to the shower. They stood for a long time under the spray, praying for time to move again. Finally, they felt the familiar sensation - time around them shuddered and lurched forward.

They emerged from the shower, shivering from both cold and relief. They were back in the future, but now they understood the cost of their gift. The shower wasn't just a time machine; it was a connection to the flow of life, a reminder that each day must be lived fully in order to move on.

From then on, they never missed their evening shower. They learned to appreciate every moment, knowing that time is the most precious gift, and their shower the only way to travel through it.



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