пятница, 27 сентября 2024 г.

The War for the Shore

In times immemorial, when the world was young, a titanic battle raged between the ancient elder, the World Ocean, and the youthful, yet defiant Land. The Ocean, refusing to accept defeat, vowed to reclaim its lost dominion. And ever since, for millions of years, its tireless warriors, the foamy waves, have waged an endless assault on the shores.

With a furious roar, they surge onto the sandy defenses, leaving behind damp traces of their conquests. But the Land does not yield. Its loyal allies, the scorching Sun and the playful Wind, dry up the captured patches of earth, turning the marine invaders into nothingness.

Sometimes, in fits of rage, the Ocean unleashes its full might upon the Land, sending forth gigantic, destructive tsunamis. Yet even these monstrous waves, sowing chaos and devastation, eventually, exhausted, retreat back into their fathomless depths.

The Sun, unaware, plays into the Ocean's hand. Its fiery rays melt the icy icebergs, raising the water levels and granting the waves renewed strength. With each tide, they penetrate further, seizing new territories and preparing for the next attack.

This war of attrition seems endless, like the Ocean itself, sprawling across 70% of the Earth's surface. And for now, no one can predict when or how this ancient feud will end.

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